Work smarter, not harder.

Super crunchy heaven and the new training!

Bringing up to speed
According to head honcho 1 on Dec 2, they have one more internal inspection before they can call the Health Department for a formal inspection for the new building.
I signed up for the Christmas distribution at the state's fair/event ground the day it opened(Quick tangent, I saw on the news that they want to move the state fair to a new location or city so they can make the grounds affordable housing. I just don't see this plan working out since a lot of people don't put their money where their mouth is. It has problems, but it isn't a terrible area. I call it by one of its nickname "Warzone". There are two potential locations if it was to stay in Destiny Islands. One is too far or the other is too close for my tastes. I just wish they went after landlords or companies to make rent more affordable instead. Them saying "Affordable housing" is so fake, and there are better solutions to handle this. Man, I guess I have to go back another year to the state fair so I can see it one last time before they potentially move.). Registration, traffic, loading, walk-up distribution, and community resources are the jobs this time. I mean, they had these jobs before, but this is the first time people can sign up for community resources and walk-up distribution. My memory is really terrible, but a walk-up and car big distribution is really rare. I don't think I have done the combo before. My first shift is community resources from 7-10:15 am, and my second shift is helping with the walk-up distribution from 10:30 to 1:15 pm. I wanted to do community resources again, but the time over lapped. Loading was already full, so I got stuck with walk-up. I later decided to do a holiday delivery box build a few days before
"HELLO OUR VALUED VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATES OF THE NUTRITIOUS FARE HUB.". This is how the latest email started, lol. Volunteer associate? I don't think that title really fits me.
The NFC has a new hire, apparently, and it sounds like I won't see her much. I'll call her Sally if I do run into her. She's the new quality assurance hire and has worked the role across multiple industries. She will begin her biweekly QA inspections on Thursday afternoons.
I already picked Tuesday/tomorrow to do the new mandatory nfc training, but it's time to talk about it! "Just one hour and a half training, and you can reap all the benefits of our wonderful new pantry in the new building.". It seems that head honcho 2 has drawn up schematics to show everyone how they will lay out everything. "New location, new personnel to work with and newly forklift certified coordinator and manager to boot.". I hope this transition goes smoothly. Peace out from Fish heading back to Destiny Island.